5 Habits To Help You Get Into The Winning Life

Photo by Alekzan Powell on Unsplash

I’m completely convinced that success is a habit. Many believe that it’s something you arrive at after putting in significant effort in accomplishing a goal/dream. Actually, it’s the effort itself. Can you arrive at success without effort? Then the formula can be broken down to success equals effort. And what is effort? It is action, work, or habit.

By not putting in effort towards success, are you capable of succeeding? No. You are doing the exact opposite. You are NOT succeeding. Did you know that you can get better at NOT succeeding? All you need to do is invest a lot more time and effort in NOT succeeding. Over time, you will eventually notice year after year that you are NOT succeeding.

Now, do you know that you can be better at succeeding?

See how this works?

I’m all about success. Especially working on ways to increase my commitment towards realizing it. It’s not easy for me or for many others… but I believe becoming successful is worth fighting for. It’s worth transforming my whole life for. It’s worth searching for better ways I can live a dream/goal-focused life. If you are not all about success, then nothing I say or share will be worth anything to you.

But if you do believe in attaining success and are also on a quest to achieve the greatness you deserve, then here are 5 habits (and challenges to you) that could help you get there faster.

1. Listening to podcasts/audiobooks

If you are new to podcasts, I recommend just trying them out. They are usually 20 to 30 min audio clips of content on different topics. And they are typically structured like how traditional radio shows are set up. You can learn specific helpful information about any topic under the sun including business, work-life balance, relationships, making money… etc.

And guess what, they are free!

I recommend the following to get you started

This Is Your Life by Michael Hyatt, Entrepreneur On Fire by John Lee Dumas, Smart Passive Income by Pat Flynn

When you are fully convinced that audio is the way to go, you can then start searching for audiobooks by best-selling authors in different industries such as Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The $100 Dollar Start-up by Chris Guillebeau, The Psychology Of Selling by Brian Tracey, The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy and Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki… just to name a few.

2. Follow success leaders social media

Time to trim your page following on Facebook and unfollow attention-hungry celebrities on Twitter. If you want to build more confidence in your life so that you can increase your chances of winning in life, why aren’t you following Gary Vaynerchuk, Brian Tracey, or Tony Robbins on social media? They are all about that.

Look at your following list…. it’s probably full of pages and Twitter users that you lost interest in. You probably lost interest in Twitter in the first place because of that list. Why don’t you take some time and just clean it up? Stop following chocolate manufactures and start following thought leaders in your industry. Make your OWN profile more appealing to you.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend your time with the most.

3. Plan your day, create schedules

Stop leaving your house without a plan. Stop trying to get through life without a plan. It’s sad to see how so many are desperately trying to succeed in life yet they have no idea what they want to accomplish by the end of just a single day. If you can’t figure out what you want to be done by the end of just one day, why even think about what you plan to achieve later in life?

Seize the day. Don’t drift through it

Before you can become a good writer, you must learn to write and construct sentences. Before you can accomplish grand goals, learn to tackle the small ones. The principal is the same. Plan your day, and eventually, you will be able to plan even more important things effectively.

4. Take your conversations to the future

Hanging with your buddies is fine. But what do you talk about? Still, that time in high school when you did this or when so-and-so did that? Tell the story once and get to discussing more important matters… growth, success, and future happiness.

Stop insisting that the past was better. The days past may have been good memories but the ones in the future yet to come can be even greater. So spend your time thinking of ways of creating such memories.

Have discussions that empower your vision of a better life for you and those you care about. It’s not that it is hard to do…. it’s just that it’s not a habit yet. Discuss ideas. Reduce talking about people and events that took place.

5. Stay open-minded

This may sound vague but it really isn’t. You may have pre-configured notions about people and the world in general. Actually, that’s just your perspective. Just because you learned that brick houses are stronger than stone houses doesn’t mean it’s really true. Situations and circumstances change, so pay attention to the world OUTSIDE your own field of vision.

Your beliefs will be challenged. Your practices will be questioned. Your understanding of concepts will be tested and probably even dismissed. And none of that is personal…. it’s just life happening all around you.

Pay attention and don’t live in the dark because of ignorance. You have to learn to adapt because the challenges themselves adapt.

Do you think with a 1992 business plan that you can successfully start a multi-million dollar enterprise today… without having to re-think that plan?

Pay attention, be open. Once upon a time, they said people would never use the internet to do shopping. People said social media was just something for teenagers and hence a phase.

Don’t be like those people.

To conclude

There are so many other habits that I haven’t listed down here. But I’m confident that if you explore the ones mentioned, you will easily discover them. Positive habits give the indications that you are AWARE of what you are doing and where it is you are going. While negative habits usually suggest that you don’t care about much of that.

I believe in success, and I feel that I’m growing in it every day. You and I were meant to be great.

so let’s #makeProgressNotExcuses

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Photo by Lexi Anderson on Unsplash