Blog Post Category


And We Are Back! Welcome To The New Site

26th November 2021 News

Welcome to version 3 of the website. I will get into the reason why it's version 3 in a bit. First, I want to introduce you to what this "new" site is all about. 2020 and Beyond Update

31st October 2020 News

Saying that 2020 has been tough would be an understatement. Things here on the platform have been slow. No podcast episode or blog post in months. I was asked the other day if I had essentially moved on from blogging.

The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

25th June 2014 News

After what seemed to be about an eternity of soul-searching, is now back online. Bigger, hopefully, better but definitely a lot more focused. When I put up the site a couple of years ago, my primary agenda was to speak about digital art and graphics. Sadly that journey came to end before it really started.

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Photo by Alex Wing on Unsplash