The Self Development Blog

On this blog, I share with you my journey into the world of Self-Development. I'm convinced that the most efficient path to personal achievement, is through personal growth. All I want to do is start a conversation about what we should probably focus on if we want to make significant progress towards goals that matter most to us.

Latest Posts

The Courage To Leave Behind A Life Without Progress

2nd May 2017 Self-Development

Like many, when I started my journey, I decided that I would do all that I could to make my future better than my past or present. But that suggests that whatever situation you are currently in… isn’t one worth staying in for the rest of your life, right?

Asking Empowering Vs Disempowering Questions

24th April 2017 Self-Development

There’s a considerable amount of strength one has to possess to survive the setbacks you inevitably go through in life. This is even more important if you are going to decide to pursue your passion or a significant goal.

Without Reflection, It Is Harder To Track Self-Development

10th April 2017 Self-Development

At one point in their lives, every successful man and woman had to “truly” face themselves. They needed to confront the reality of their current situations. Taking a hard look at who they were and where they were. This was important in identifying areas that needed to change or improve.

Learning To Take Advantage Of Failures

14th March 2017 Self-Development

There’s a truth about failure you come to understand while pursuing your passion. As dreamers, we don’t typically give attention to this truth in the beginning. Mostly because of our learned response to failure.

If At First You Don’t Succeed, Change Your Plan Not Your Goal

2nd February 2017 Self-Development

We all know that you cannot pursue any significant goal without encountering obstacles. In fact, many of those who manage to attain and maintain success, consider failure as being an essential part of the pursuit of success. That without understanding failure, one might never truly understand success.

Personal Development – How We Change Over Time

18th January 2017 Self-Development

I’m not the same person I was 10 years ago. I’m sure you are not as well. In fact, try to think back to 10 years ago. Think of a time when things weren’t so easy for you. Maybe a time when talking to those older than you was a bit hard. Or trying to score a date was nerve-racking. Or how hard that first job interview was.

Choices – The Power We Have To Shape Our Future

4th January 2017 Self-Development

Our choices shape our future. Not knowledge, financial status, genetic make-up, or intelligence. Just because one is intelligent, does not necessarily mean that one will lead a healthy life. Consciously making choices aligned with a healthy lifestyle lead to a healthy lifestyle.

The First Day Of The Rest Of YOUR Life

3rd December 2016 Self-Development

At least once, every single day, you are no different from the successful people you respect and admire.

4 Ideas About Success That Could Be Preventing You From Succeeding

15th November 2016 Self-Development

In our quest to achieve our goals, we stumble across an ocean of ideas, suggestions, tactics, principles about how people acquire success. And while some ideas actually help us make healthy progress towards those goals… other ideas slowly sabotage our efforts. Leaving us confused and wondering where we went wrong.

Holding On To A Dream Even When Success Is Not In Sight

8th November 2016 Self-Development

Waiting is probably the most frustrating part of the pursuit. You spend months, maybe even years working on an idea, goal, or your dream… but don’t see the results of your efforts.

5 Important Habits To Develop As You Get Deeper Into Your Pursuit

1st November 2016 Self-Development

As a dreamer, you must be ready to go through change if you are to succeed in pursuing your dreams/goals. You cannot be a beginner forever.

You Are What You Repeatedly Do

1st November 2016 Self-Development

Many ambitious dreamers seem to be convinced that ONE is the magic number that will help them realize success and fulfillment in their lives. For instance, if you want to be a successful software company, all you need is ONE great app idea. Or that if you want to become a successful manager/leader all you need is ONE opportunity to prove yourself.

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash