The Self Development Blog

On this blog, I share with you my journey into the world of Self-Development. I'm convinced that the most efficient path to personal achievement, is through personal growth. All I want to do is start a conversation about what we should probably focus on if we want to make significant progress towards goals that matter most to us.

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3 Things About Success That Can’t Be Truly Understood Without Experiencing Them

9th October 2017 Self-Development

Over the course of my life, way too many people have said that phrase to me in one form or another. But during the early stages of my pursuit… I never truly could understand what patience really meant.

I Wish You Bad Luck – Adversity Builds Character

26th September 2017 Self-Development

While failing typically feels undesirable, most seasoned goal achievers appreciate it as a necessary component in helping you better understand what you need to do to succeed. Expecting to succeed in the pursuit of a goal while hoping to never run into a challenge… can be compared to expecting to win a tournament final having never faced any opponent prior to that moment. What are the odds of succeeding in that?

Working On Your Goals Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

24th September 2017 Self-Development

Your goals are not going to accomplish themselves. Even if you are working with others to achieve a common goal, you will still need to ensure that the specifics of the life you are trying to build are met by you.

Optimism Vs. Pessimism – How Your Beliefs Guide Your Journey Through Life

9th September 2017 Self-Development

I sometimes wonder if what I’m about to post is a little too “philosophical” to talk about on this blog about self-development. Because many other articles on personal growth and success often get right to the point, stating that “If you want to achieve THIS, you need to do THAT several times a day and in 30 days, you will get exactly what you want.”

Success In Relation To The Past, Present And Future

5th September 2017 Self-Development

At one point in our history, there was a person that decided to document all that he/she knew about his life. That included his/her skill in some field. Or his/her experience pursuing something.

Are You Teachable? Becoming A Student Of Success

22nd August 2017 Self-Development

There is a difference between a bestselling author and one who has just picked up a pen to begin the journey in writing. The way they think and act can hardly be compared. These two are not at the same level. Ask each one the same question about any topic on writing and you will almost always get two very different answers.

Succeed Or Fail… Which Is The Better Choice For You?

3rd August 2017 Self-Development

Most of the time, failure is realized in the mind before it is realized in reality. What I mean is that one must acknowledge failure before failure can exist in that person. If you do not accept failure, no matter what anyone suggests, then you are one step closer to understanding how succeeding fundamentally works.

Walking Out Of The Comfort Zone

30th July 2017 Self-Development

There are many ways to define the comfort zone. Probably the most popular definition of the it is a place where you feel safe and content with the way your life is. When talking about success, we are sometimes told by those who have succeeded that the comfort zone is where progress does not happen.

The Growing Importance Of Having A Side Hustle

6th July 2017 Self-Development

Things are changing fast. Many of us find ourselves struggling to achieve half the things our parents achieved at our age… or similar. The talk about financial prosperity has become that much more important to younger people.

3 Suggestions For Forming A Daily-Progress Routine

17th June 2017 Self-Development

All top performers in business and sport understand the role habit plays in ensuring their next big win. Having productive habits in your day-to-day life places you at a greater chance of succeeding more than anything else.

The Resistance To Change Is Real

29th May 2017 Self-Development

By far the greatest ongoing challenge you face as a person determined to accomplish anything grand or significant to you is change. Never forget this one important truth: The person you are going into a pursuit… is never the same person that comes out of it.

4 Steps To Avoid Being Defeated By Your Goals

12th May 2017 Self-Development

One day you wake up. Something in you says, “I can’t keep living like this! I need to start a venture of my own. I can’t stand to work another day at that office. I need to pursue my dream.” You get up with a new desire to change your life. You think about what you want to achieve or accomplish in the next few months or years. You decide on a specific goal. Then, your off! The first day of the rest of your life!

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Photo by Alex Wing on Unsplash